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What is Rapid Induction Training?

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As our Social Care sector faces a critical shortage of trained carers, Rapid Induction Training, a Skills for Care initiative, delivers a swift and comprehensive solution to equip your new staff effectively.

Covid-19 has had a major impact on care services in the UK. As a sector, we have battled against the threat of Covid, literally trying to save the lives of clients on a daily basis, while demanding more than ever from our most loyal and committed care staff. 

The nation clapped for carers, but the battle raged on relentlessly. It is no surprise that for many services, training slipped to the bottom of the list of priorities while sheer survival swept to the top.

Now that the pressure is less intense and we are able to begin to focus on the future, registered managers have once again begun to think about training compliance for new and existing staff in the care industry. 

Having a well-trained and competent workforce is essential if we are to provide quality, person-centered care.

One of the unexpected legacies of Covid has been a desperate shortage of applicants for advertised roles in care homes, domiciliary care, day care, community services and individual care employers.  Numerous care services have reported that they are experiencing very low response to their usual marketing for care staff roles. 

This means that care staff that are recruited must be inspired, motivated and well trained to embrace their new role with confidence. Not only that but they need to stay! Registered managers need to get them up to speed and ready to go, as quickly as possible – which is why the Rapid Induction Training was established.

What is Rapid Induction Training?

Rapid Induction is a Skills for Care initiative, to help care homes, domiciliary care providers, day care, community services and individual employers to equip new staff with the skills and knowledge required to undertake their new role with competence and confidence. 

Learners on the Rapid Induction Training complete all of the 15 standards of the Care Certificate and after the two day training course, be ready to start or continue their role in the care industry.

The training typically lasts 2 days and can either be delivered in-person or via online video calls with a fully qualified and experienced social care trainer.

What Is Included In Rapid Induction Training?

Rapid Induction Training includes 15 standards of the Care Certificate and is tailored to ensure that it is relevant for your care service, no matter whether you are a care home, domiciliary care provider, day care, community service or individual employer in the care industry. The 15 standards included are:

  1. Understand your role
  2. Your personal development
  3. Duty of care
  4. Equality and diversity
  5. Work in a person-centred way              
  6. Communication
  7. Privacy and dignity
  8. Fluids and nutrition
  9. Awareness of mental health, dementia and learning disabilities
  10. Safeguarding adults, especially around isolation
  11. Safeguarding children
  12. Basic life support
  13. Health and safety
  14. Handling information
  15. Infection prevention and control, including special measures for Covid-19

Please note that you must still carry out your workplace induction and observe competencies before the full Care Certificate can be awarded.

Rapid Induction Training Providers

Skills for Care have awarded 12 endorsed training providers contracts to deliver rapid induction training within the care sector. 

Endorsed providers have been rigorously assessed by Skills for Care to ensure that the quality of training and outcomes delivered are of the highest standard. 

Who is Rapid Induction Training for?

Although primarily focussed on new staff entering the care industry, the Rapid Induction course can also accommodate care staff moving into a new role within their organisation that requires the Care Certificate.

New staff will learn and understand each of the 15 elements of the Care Certificate meaning that no previous experience is required. Skills for Care introduced the initiative to help employers hire staff quickly, with minimal costs and previous experience.

What is different about Coleman Training Rapid Induction Training?

Learners on the Rapid Induction Training receive thorough and in-depth training via Zoom, covering all of the Care Certificate outcomes, led by an experienced, specialist trainer who is a skilled facilitator, stimulating discussion and that can answer questions while taking learners through the course.

The Rapid Induction Training at Coleman lasts two full days, taking time to ensure every learner understands and is confident with each part of the course. All that is left to do for the employer or registered manager is to carry out the workplace induction specific to their organisation and observe the learner for competency.

Our Rapid Induction trainers are highly qualified experts in their field and are all ex-registered managers of care homes, so they fully understand the job and can offer lots of practical advice and support.  

We insist that all of our trainers have personal experience in delivering care at leadership level,  always guaranteeing a depth of knowledge from trainers, which they will draw upon during the Rapid Induction course.  Learners have the opportunity to ask questions, hear about real case studies and engage with a person who has “walked the walk”.

We have all sat through “death by PowerPoint” at some time in our lives, and at Coleman Training & Consulting, that would be a sackable offence.  It is our belief that PowerPoint is a visual aid, not the course, so expect a range of activities, discussions, debates and hopefully plenty of fun and laughter.

Our trainers use a range of training methods to meet all learning styles.  So if learners are reflectors, who like to listen and consider what others say before contributing, there will be plenty of opportunities to do that.  We will also show video footage and invite learners to reflect on what they have observed in the film, considering how the lessons learned could be used in the setting in which they will be working.

Activists often fizz with energy and are easily bored by training courses.  Some of our trainers are activists too! Learners will be offered opportunities to head up one of the breakout activities in the breakout room as well as ensuring learners are engaged by changing pace every 20 minutes. 

For the pragmatist, who likes to “have a go”, there will be opportunities for learners to discuss how something might work in practice, learning through “doing”. 

Our approach using Zoom has adapted some of our face-to-face activities to achieve the experience in a virtual environment.  Including real-life case studies for learners to evaluate, unpick and learn from the experiences of others.

Theorists hate anything “fluffy” and want hard facts from us.  We haven’t forgotten them either!  All of our courses come with a workbook and an additional reading list.  If we introduce a theory, we will signpost learners to further and additional information.  Our trainers have the depth of knowledge meaning questions are welcomed at every stage.

Interested in booking new staff onto the Rapid Induction Training Course?

Visit our Rapid Induction Course page to learn more about the training, selecting the best times and dates, and booking your staff members on.