Steve Oswald reflects upon his eight months of Rapid Induction Training, funded by Skills for Care and delivered through Coleman Training.
As I approach my eighth month providing rapid induction training, I reflected on how this training programme benefits learners, providers, and the people who we support with care. The aim of the initiative is to rapidly induct individuals who are new to the care sector and those who are returning to the sector.
What does it cover?
The programme consists of the knowledge elements of the 15 standards of the Care Certificate:
- Standard 1 Understand your role
- Standard 2 Your personal development
- Standard 3 Duty of Care
- Standard 4 Equality and Diversity
- Standard 5 Working in a person-centred way
- Standard 6 Communication
- Standard 7 Privacy and Dignity
- Standard 8 Fluids and Nutrition
- Standard 9 Awareness of mental health, dementia and learning disabilities
- Standard 10 Safeguarding Adults (specifically around isolation)
- Standard 11 Safeguarding Children
- Standard 12 Basic Life Support
- Standard 13 Health and Safety
- Standard 14 Handling information
- Standard 15 Infection Prevention and Control
Meeting other learners who are on the same journey
Learners who are new to care benefit greatly from the rapid induction programme as the exposure to other learners and an opportunity to informally discuss the skills and behaviours expected of care roles prepares individuals for their first care role.
For learners who, for whatever reason, may have had a gap in employment within care, and have now decided to return to the sector, the rapid induction programme is an opportunity to refresh their existing skills and update their knowledge regarding changes to legislation and regulations.
Care Providers can onboard new recruits without delay
Courses are currently running every week, until the end of March, when the initiative is due to end. This means that delays in starting new recruits on their learning journey are minimal, resulting in fewer drop-outs before their start date.
Providers of residential care and domiciliary care services benefit from having a skilled workforce who have received standardised training that can be evidenced to the regulator.
Fully funded by Skills for Care
The training is also fully funded for all providers registered with the Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS).
Embedding positive attitudes and values from day one
The people who we support with care, are cared for by individuals who are up to date with their knowledge and skills and understand the importance of person-centred care, treating all individuals as unique, and recognising the importance of identity and rights.
Surprisingly, Zoom is great for anxious learners!
I have been delighted and surprised, in equal measures, of how positive the feedback has been regarding training via Zoom. For the anxious learner, or even just a little apprehensive, the informality created within the Zoom training environment relaxes people and therefore enhances learning outcomes.
I always send an introductory email to all learners in advance of the rapid induction programme commencing. This is a positive email informing learners of what to expect from the training and explaining that it is informal, interactive and an opportunity to prepare for their upcoming role within care. The email sets the scene regarding what to expect and my intention is also to reduce learners negatively forecasting if they are feeling under confident.
Imagine sitting around a table together, having coffee and working as a team
Whilst living with COVID has had many challenges, one of the positive outcomes is that we have learned to embrace communicating virtually. I ask the learners to imagine that we are simply sat around a table together having a coffee and working together as a team.
Quality Assurance
Our satisfaction comes from thoroughly preparing and inspiring learners to embrace their new challenge when joining or returning to the care sector.
Rapid Induction Trainers
Our rapid induction trainers are experienced individuals with a background in adult social care as registered managers and possess a wealth of knowledge that adds value and meaning to the training programme. This affords learners the opportunity of not only being introduced to the care certificate 15 standards but being able to ask the trainers about working within the care sector. We are passionate about our work in social care and our aim is to ignite that passion in our new learners.
My reflection
As a leadership trainer, with Coleman Training, I was initially apprehensive about delivering the Rapid Induction programme. However, it has been more fulfilling than I ever could have imagined. I have learned that by engaging with learners at the very beginning of their career in social care, I am able to create a strong foundation of person-centred values, professionalism, and compassion, that I hope will stay with our learners throughout their career.
How to book your staff onto Rapid Induction Training Course
To book your place on the rapid induction programme or for more information please contact Juanita Wilson on 07841 473973 or email on